Multiversus tom and jerry
Multiversus tom and jerry

Grey health absorbs damage without losing actual health points. If an ally chooses this perk, the bonus will increase to 8 points. After hitting an enemy with a projectile, your team will receive 3 gray health for 3 seconds. If the ally also chooses this, the bonus will increase to 25%. Make It Rain, Dog! - an offensive perk, which increases your team's projectile speed by 20%.Additionally, when an ally also chooses this, you will receive a 25% bonus to knockback. Tasmanian Trigonometry - a utility perk, which increases your team's base knockback by 15%.There are other perks Tom & Jerry can make use of, though they can be a bit situational: This makes Coffeezilla one of their best perks. Out of Tom & Jerry's moveset, five moves suffer from cooldowns. Rocket Jerry have a bodygroup without the rope. Includes: - Renamed Bones / Biped - Bodygroup for remove their Eyelids/Eyelashes separatedly. Bonus is increased to -15% once an ally chooses the same perk. TomScream.mp3 Thanks a lot to my friend 'DiMickFoxed65' and a other guy for giving me the shaggy model, and the harley quinn model and several others :DDD. Coffeezilla - a utility perk, allowing 10% lower cooldown times.If an ally stacks this perk with you, the effect lasts for 2 seconds. The effect can be activated for 3 seconds after the projectile hit and lasts for 1 second. That's Flammable, Doc! - an offensive perk, which gives your team's basic attacks an incendiary effect after knocking back an enemy with a projectile (in this case, your basketball).Deadshot - an offensive perk, which increases the damage dealt with projectiles by 5%, or 10% if stacked with an ally.This build is versatile enough to work with both signature perks. If that happens, he goes on a cooldown and is unavailable for a few seconds. Taking too many hits will knock Jerry out.You can also pull yourself to the environment with it, as if with a grappling hook (only if you've equipped the Fly Fisher signature perk). Secondly, you can use it to catch Jerry and reconnect with him. First, hitting an enemy with the lure damages them and pulls them closer. Your Side Special, the fishing pole, is a useful tool you can use in several ways.Furthermore, the ally carrying Jerry receives a speed and damage buff. This grants the mouse five corks, which he fires every time you use a regular attack. If your ally approaches Jerry, they'll immediately pick him up.You can deflect it towards the enemies with the racket as well. Tom's aerial Down Special drops a stick of dynamite which explodes after a moment.Using Up Special when separated causes the rocket to automatically home in on Jerry. It explodes on impact with an enemy, leaving Jerry where it blew up. Your Up Special when together fires a small rocket you can control.You can deflect them with the racket as well. If you're separated but near each other, Jerry will shoot a cork projectile up to two times.Tom can then hit the ball with the racket, launching it into an enemy with great force. If you use Neutral Special again, Tom will shoot a tennis ball towards Jerry, who'll reflect it back against him. Moreover, Tom's Neutral Special lets him fire Jerry as a projectile. It doesn't deal much damage, but you can use it to deflect enemy projectiles. Your Neutral Attack, a tennis racket swing, is very useful.Only their Specials change, both grounded and aerial. Remember than Tom and Jerry's normal attacks remain identical even when they're separated.This perk can provide 10% of damage once reached an overall damage of 100.We recommend getting familiar with tips regarding this duo, as they're quite difficult to play, mainly since they can split up: NOW READ: Interested in these characters? See how you can unlock them! Last Stand is a perk also to consider, depending on how strong your ally can deal damage so it’s very situational. Enemies that are knocked back by projectiles will be ignited if follow-up damage occurs. That’s Flammable, Doc! – An interesting perk that is also integrated with Tom and Jerry.Any projectile dealt by your ally to enemies far away will inflict increased damage by 7% Shirt Cannon Sniper – Another ranged perk to equip the duo, this is also a team-friendly perk too.Make it Rain, Dog! – As a passive and support character, allies will find this perk useful.Dynamite Split – One of the best ranged perks in MultiVersus, Tom can split the dynamite into three with his bat, this causes multiplicative damage.Once unlocked, we recommend these specific perks to optimise the duo and get the best out of them: The duo are ranged however can be effective passive characters, Tom & Jerry are also locked in the game. Best Perks for Tom and Jerry in MultiVersus They can be deemed high-skill due to the versatility of the character and the use of two but once mastered they can be lethal.

Multiversus tom and jerry